Matching our personal conduct to the season is one key to maintaining our health, including knowing when we need assistance along our healing path. Our goal in sharing the 24 Qi Nodes as they unfold is to give you a taste of how the ancients learned to pay attention to the world around them.
By paying attention to naturally occurring phenomena, we can better know how to work with our environment rather than against it. Swimming with the currents is much less tiresome than swimming against them.

Rain Water Yu Shui 雨水 February 19 – March 4th
Rain Water is the gentle first response to the emerging warmth of the new year. The warmer (or, at least less cold) moisture of the first spring rains soaks the earth as the ground thaws.
The “new” moisture of the year softens the seeds as they complete their transition from storage to growth. The amount of moisture that meets the seed, or lack thereof, in this node sets the stage for the growth phases of the rest of the year.
Too much moisture now and the seeds may rot; too much wind blowing the moisture away and the seeds wither. The delicate balance in the atmosphere during this time sets the stage for what is possible later in the year.
Though rain is what is apparent during this Qi Node, it is the effect of the warming rains on the soil that creates the transformation still underground.
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